Virtual Offices

25096 Jefferson Ave. Suite B
Murrieta, CA 92562

$55 Month

  REF/ID # 331625

100 Square Feet.
2 Restroom(s)
Building Class: N/A
Type: Office Building
Approx. year(s) old.

Ed Dugger
Calcom Realty
Phone: 951-538-4361
Cell Phone: 951-538-4361

All Information Deemed Accurate but not Warranted.

What is a virtual office?

Having a virtual office means you have your own unique office address to put on your business cards and website.  This office address is located at an actual office building that you can rent a conference room or an office for $10 per half hour if you should have the need to host a business meeting with your clients.  You can also have mail sent to your business address and we will hold it for you in a locked cabinet until you come by to pick it up (some restrictions apply). If anyone walks into the building asking for you we will give them your business card and let them know you are out.


$55 per month

Advance Deposit of 90 Days.

You get:

A unique business address to put on your website and business cards.

A place to send business mail and pick it up later. 

A front office receptionist to great guests and hand out your business cards. 

A conference room at the location of your virtual office address  for $10 per half hour to meet with clients.

Free wifi on location. 


Air Conditioned - Ground Level Door - Kitchen Facilities - Open Parking